Eyyyy, ¿sabías que la ciudad de Telde ha visto crecer a estos
deportistas? A continuación hablamos sobre ello.
El teldense @marcosyanez recorrió 120 kilómetros en Islandia con un
objetivo: buscar nuevos donantes de médula. El proyecto solidario Run for Leucemia ha sido creado y dirigido por él para concienciar
al planeta sobre la importancia de la donación de médula. Asegura que cada vez son más las personas involucradas con la causa, y en
parte, él ha tenido que ver en esto. Desde aquí apoyamos a nuestro
querido deportista a seguir pasando por arcos de meta y que siga
regalando “vidas” a los que más lo necesitan.
Continuamos con @RoqueMesa, posiblemente el deportista más conocido
de nuestra ilustre ciudad, es un jugador de fútbol natural de La
Garita que ha sido titular en equipos como El Levante, La Unión
Deportiva Las Palmas y el FC Sevilla.

es la máxima goleadora histórica de todos los tiempos de la
selección, con 981 tantos y la que más partidos ha jugado con 277
Danos tu opinión, ¿conocías a alguno de los mencionados?
do you know that the city of Telde has seen these athletes grow? Let's talk about them:
ran 120 kilometers in Iceland with one goal: Finding new bone
marrow donors.
The solidarity project Run for Leukemia has been created and directed
by him to raise awareness about the importance of bone marrow
donation. He says that more and more people are involved with the cause, and we are sure,this is partly thanks to him. From here we support our beloved
athlete to continue going through goal arches and continue giving
“lives” to those who need it.
We continue with @RoqueMesa, possibly the best known athlete in our
illustrious city, he isfootball player born in La Garita who started in teams such as El Levante, La Unión Deportiva Las Palmas
and FC Sevilla.
not for residing and exercising outside his island feels detachment
from our municipality,actually it is the opposite. He is currently a
shareholder in the Union Deportiva Telde, providing the Club with new
material and financially supporting the entity and has received
distinctions as “The best player of the month” from here we want to express our sincere and humble thanks for his work outside the field with our
sports entity.
Finally, @Mangueoficial is a Spanish handball player of Equatorial
Guinean origin. He is an absolute international with the Spanish
national team, she won the bronze medal at the London 2012 Olympic
Games, silver in the 2008 Women's European Handball Championship in
Macedonia and the 2014 European Women's Handball Championship in
Hungary and Croatia , and bronze at the 2011 Women's Handball World
Championship in Brazil. In addition, she is the top historical scorer
of all time of the national team, with 981 goals and she is the one who has played in more games with 277 appearances.
us your opinion, did you know any people mentioned?
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